O C C U P I E D: Shooting in "GanTamar", Jaffa
Wednesday, May 30
Shooting in "GanTamar", Jaffa
A young man, apparently from the Ashur family (although not from THE famous Ashur clan, who apparently have been involved in a bloody vengeance war over the last several years), was shot this afternoon in Yefet Street, close to the junction with HaLotus street. While leaving a small store on Yefet street, the man was shot twice from a Renault car passing by. His wounds are said to be not severe. He's hospitalized in nearby Wolfson hospital.
The incident happened on once of Jaffa's busiest junctions at 16.15 o'clock.
It was witnessed by the police (!) who managed to arrest the driver and the shooter in Kedem street after a chase. During the chase the gun was thrown from the car and recovered by the police.
A few words from the bystanders: "i hope he dies, he's a violent creep, the victim". "Enough, those idiots, we've had enough violence. Let them all rot in jail" and other similar statements.
There was very little sympathy and much anger. The young guys hanging around on my street's corner are conversing among themselves. The women are worried, sitting outside on the porch and discussing the case amongst themselves, afraid for their sons. Only the small children run around with their kites and bicycles. Unaware and not yet involved.
Posted by yudit at 6:24 PM
Labels: crime, Jaffa, police, violence
Tsedek said...
Afraid of their sons??
I don't understand....
10:43 PM
J.P. said...
The Honoured Society by Norman Lewis shows where vengeance leads to, first it's the adults and when the most are burried they go for the youngsters.
11:15 PM
yudit said...
Not of, but afraid FOR their sons, as they may be hurt to, in the ongoing gang wars and Ashur-Hamada blood vengeance in Jaffa. Indeed in so,e of the families ALL sons have been killed, and now it appears to be the even younger generation is getting involved, although i'm not sure it is this case/
11:56 PM
samc said...
Yudit Thanks for "item"
I did not know anything untill I read it
Just a Block from me!!!
By the way the awfull murderer from france lived a block away from where I used to live in Kerem Hteimanim!!
5:51 AM
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Pardes Daka Sunday 27 May 2007
חברות וחברים שוב שלום-
מחר, יום ראשון – 27.5, עתיד להתבצע פינוי ומיד לאחריו הריסה של בית משפחת ד'קה בשכונת פרדס ד'קה, יפו. המשפחה מתכננת להתבצר בביתה על מנת למנוע את הפינוי וההריסה, ואנו עימם.
נפגש בשעה 08:30 בצומת הרחובות יפת והבעל שם טוב.
(פעילים שהגיעו לבית ביום חמישי האחרון וכבר מכירים את הדרך מוזמנים להגיע גם ישירות לשם!)
כפי שנמסר גם בעבר, נראה כי מוצו כל הדרכים המשפטיות לביטול/דחיית ההריסה, כך שפעולה ישירה משותפת לסיכול הביצוע היא הדרך היחידה העומדת בפנינו כרגע- אנא בואו בהמוניכם!
Activists of the Jaffa struggle again Salam,
The evacuation and demolition of Daka's family house that were postponed last Thursday are set for Tomorrow, Sunday – 27/5.
We will meet tomorrow at 8:30am at the cross of "Yeffet" and "Haba'al Shem- Tov" streets.
(Activists that were there last Thursday and know the way are welcome to arrive directly to the Daka's Family house!)
There seems to be no legal way to prevent the warrant from being executed, and therefore, we will join the family in trying to stop it from happening.
English Follows
פעילות ופעילי מאבק יפו שלומות,
למיטב הבנתנו (ממידע שנמסר למשפחה ע"י המשטרה) בעקבות ההתארגנות המוצלחת של משפחת ד'קה והפעילים אתמול, להתנגדות לפינוי וההריסה שתוכננו, הוחלט ע"י המשטרה לדחות את "המבצע".
הפינוי וההריסה נקבעו ליום ראשון הקרוב (ה- 27.5). פרטים מדויקים על מקום ושעת מפגש ימסרו בהקדם האפשרי.
פרטי המקרה הידועים לנו עד כה:
משפחת ד'קה מתגוררת על גבול שכונות ע'גמי וג'בלייה בשכונה המכונה– פרדס ד'קה. בידי המשפחה 22 דונם אדמה הרשומים בטאבו עוד מלפני 48', ובית המשפחה המיועד להריסה בנוי על אדמה המצויה כולה בבעלות המשפחה. עם זאת, ביתם הוכרז בחלקו כ"בנייה בלתי- חוקית", על ידי המנהל, שכן השטח כולו מוקפא זה שנים ולא ניתן להוציא היתרי בנייה. המבנה הנוכחי המיועד להריסה בשל "בניה לא חוקית" הינו הקומה השנייה בביתו של טאלב ד'קה, בה מתגורר בנו מוסא, ומשפחתו. הבן ומשפחתו מוגדרים כ"פולשים" על ידי המנהל. צו ההריסה שהוצא לביתו של הבן, צפוי ללא ספק לפגוע גם בקומה הראשונה, ולמעשה, במבנה כולו, בו מתגוררות ארבע משפחות.
ההליך המשפטי נגד בניית הקומה השנייה, ביתו של מוסא ומשפחתו, נמשך כבר כ-7 שנים. ההליך הסתיים בחודשים האחרונים, בצו פינוי והריסה סופי שנקבע לאתמול (חמישי, 24.5). ניסיונות המשפחה עד הרגע האחרון לפנות לבית המשפט ולעיריית תל-אביב על- מנת למנוע או לדחות את ההריסה, כשלו כולם.
כפי שדווח לאחרונה בעיתונות, פלאטו שרון נמצא במגעים מתקדמים לרכישת שטחי אדמה נרחבים באזור זה, להקמת שכונת מגדלי דירות למגורים במקום. משפחת ד'קה המורחבת, כמו גם משפחה נוספת המתגוררת במקום, חתמו על זיכרון דברים עם עורכי דינו של פלאטו שרון, ממ"י, חלמיש ועיריית ת"א. בהסכם נכתב כי האזור כולו יפונה מדייריו הנוכחיים בהסכמה, במסגרת מכירת הקרקע לפלאטו שרון, על בסיס פיצויים וקניית הקרקע כפי שיוסכם בין הצדדים. לפיכך מבקשת המשפחה להתחשב בפינוי- העתיד להתקיים בעוד כשנה וחצי- ולהקפיא את הצווים הנוכחיים לפינוי והריסה. טענה זו הועלתה בפני שופט בימ"ש מחוזי ושופט בג"צ, אך בשני המקרים נדחתה ולא הושג צו הדחייה.
הועדה העממית של יפו קיבלה אמש מן המשפחה עותק של הסכם זה, ותלמד אותו לפרטיו ועל כל משמעויותיו בהקדם. אין ספק שלהסכם השלכות מרחיקות לכת על אופי ועתיד האזור, ועל המאבק העממי ביפו.
Activists of the Jaffa struggle Salam,
To the best of our knowledge (according to information given to us by the police) and following the successful organization of the Thakka family and the activists yesterday to resist the planned evacuation and demolition, the police have decided to postpone the "operation".
The evacuation and demolition are set for this coming Sunday (May 27 th). Specific details about place and time of meeting will be given as soon as possible.
Here is the information we have gathered so far on the case
The Thakka family lives on the border of Ajami and Jabalia neighborhoods, in a place called "Orchard Thakka". The family owns 22 dunam of land, registered in the "tabo" before 48', and the family's house, designated for demolition, is built completely on their private land. Even so, their house is partially declared as "illegal construction" by the "Minhal", since the whole area has been "frozen" for years, and as such, doesn't allow issuing construction licenses for further building. The part of the house that is designated for demolition is the second floor, where the family's son, Mussa, and his family are currently living. Mussa and his family are defined by the "Minhal" as "intruders" or "trespassers". The demolition warrant issued for the second floor will undoubtedly harm the entire house, occupied by four families.
The Legal proceedings against the building of the second floor has been ongoing for 7 years, and ended recently with an evacuation and demolition warrant, dated yesterday (May 24 th). The family's efforts, made until the very last minute, to prevent or postpone the execution of the warrant, all failed.
As reported recently in the newspapers, Plato Sharon is currently in advanced contact status to acquire wide scale land in the area, in order to build apartment buildings there. The extended Thakka family, as well as another family living in the area, had signed a letter of agreement with Plato Sharon's lawyers, the Minhal, Halamish Company, and Tel Aviv municipality. The agreement stated that the area will be evacuated of its tenants with their consent, on the basis of a compensation settlement made between the sides. Therefore, the family is asking to consider the coming evacuation, set to start within a year and a half, and to freeze the warrants that were issued for the house demolition. That claim was presented to a judge in county court, as well as the Supreme Court, and was declined by both. The Popular Committee of Jaffa had received the agreement's draft yesterday, and will study its various ramifications thoroughly as soon as possible. There is no doubt that this agreement could have far reaching implications on the character and future of the whole area, as well as the popular struggle in Jaffa.
מחר, יום ראשון – 27.5, עתיד להתבצע פינוי ומיד לאחריו הריסה של בית משפחת ד'קה בשכונת פרדס ד'קה, יפו. המשפחה מתכננת להתבצר בביתה על מנת למנוע את הפינוי וההריסה, ואנו עימם.
נפגש בשעה 08:30 בצומת הרחובות יפת והבעל שם טוב.
(פעילים שהגיעו לבית ביום חמישי האחרון וכבר מכירים את הדרך מוזמנים להגיע גם ישירות לשם!)
כפי שנמסר גם בעבר, נראה כי מוצו כל הדרכים המשפטיות לביטול/דחיית ההריסה, כך שפעולה ישירה משותפת לסיכול הביצוע היא הדרך היחידה העומדת בפנינו כרגע- אנא בואו בהמוניכם!
Activists of the Jaffa struggle again Salam,
The evacuation and demolition of Daka's family house that were postponed last Thursday are set for Tomorrow, Sunday – 27/5.
We will meet tomorrow at 8:30am at the cross of "Yeffet" and "Haba'al Shem- Tov" streets.
(Activists that were there last Thursday and know the way are welcome to arrive directly to the Daka's Family house!)
There seems to be no legal way to prevent the warrant from being executed, and therefore, we will join the family in trying to stop it from happening.
English Follows
פעילות ופעילי מאבק יפו שלומות,
למיטב הבנתנו (ממידע שנמסר למשפחה ע"י המשטרה) בעקבות ההתארגנות המוצלחת של משפחת ד'קה והפעילים אתמול, להתנגדות לפינוי וההריסה שתוכננו, הוחלט ע"י המשטרה לדחות את "המבצע".
הפינוי וההריסה נקבעו ליום ראשון הקרוב (ה- 27.5). פרטים מדויקים על מקום ושעת מפגש ימסרו בהקדם האפשרי.
פרטי המקרה הידועים לנו עד כה:
משפחת ד'קה מתגוררת על גבול שכונות ע'גמי וג'בלייה בשכונה המכונה– פרדס ד'קה. בידי המשפחה 22 דונם אדמה הרשומים בטאבו עוד מלפני 48', ובית המשפחה המיועד להריסה בנוי על אדמה המצויה כולה בבעלות המשפחה. עם זאת, ביתם הוכרז בחלקו כ"בנייה בלתי- חוקית", על ידי המנהל, שכן השטח כולו מוקפא זה שנים ולא ניתן להוציא היתרי בנייה. המבנה הנוכחי המיועד להריסה בשל "בניה לא חוקית" הינו הקומה השנייה בביתו של טאלב ד'קה, בה מתגורר בנו מוסא, ומשפחתו. הבן ומשפחתו מוגדרים כ"פולשים" על ידי המנהל. צו ההריסה שהוצא לביתו של הבן, צפוי ללא ספק לפגוע גם בקומה הראשונה, ולמעשה, במבנה כולו, בו מתגוררות ארבע משפחות.
ההליך המשפטי נגד בניית הקומה השנייה, ביתו של מוסא ומשפחתו, נמשך כבר כ-7 שנים. ההליך הסתיים בחודשים האחרונים, בצו פינוי והריסה סופי שנקבע לאתמול (חמישי, 24.5). ניסיונות המשפחה עד הרגע האחרון לפנות לבית המשפט ולעיריית תל-אביב על- מנת למנוע או לדחות את ההריסה, כשלו כולם.
כפי שדווח לאחרונה בעיתונות, פלאטו שרון נמצא במגעים מתקדמים לרכישת שטחי אדמה נרחבים באזור זה, להקמת שכונת מגדלי דירות למגורים במקום. משפחת ד'קה המורחבת, כמו גם משפחה נוספת המתגוררת במקום, חתמו על זיכרון דברים עם עורכי דינו של פלאטו שרון, ממ"י, חלמיש ועיריית ת"א. בהסכם נכתב כי האזור כולו יפונה מדייריו הנוכחיים בהסכמה, במסגרת מכירת הקרקע לפלאטו שרון, על בסיס פיצויים וקניית הקרקע כפי שיוסכם בין הצדדים. לפיכך מבקשת המשפחה להתחשב בפינוי- העתיד להתקיים בעוד כשנה וחצי- ולהקפיא את הצווים הנוכחיים לפינוי והריסה. טענה זו הועלתה בפני שופט בימ"ש מחוזי ושופט בג"צ, אך בשני המקרים נדחתה ולא הושג צו הדחייה.
הועדה העממית של יפו קיבלה אמש מן המשפחה עותק של הסכם זה, ותלמד אותו לפרטיו ועל כל משמעויותיו בהקדם. אין ספק שלהסכם השלכות מרחיקות לכת על אופי ועתיד האזור, ועל המאבק העממי ביפו.
Activists of the Jaffa struggle Salam,
To the best of our knowledge (according to information given to us by the police) and following the successful organization of the Thakka family and the activists yesterday to resist the planned evacuation and demolition, the police have decided to postpone the "operation".
The evacuation and demolition are set for this coming Sunday (May 27 th). Specific details about place and time of meeting will be given as soon as possible.
Here is the information we have gathered so far on the case
The Thakka family lives on the border of Ajami and Jabalia neighborhoods, in a place called "Orchard Thakka". The family owns 22 dunam of land, registered in the "tabo" before 48', and the family's house, designated for demolition, is built completely on their private land. Even so, their house is partially declared as "illegal construction" by the "Minhal", since the whole area has been "frozen" for years, and as such, doesn't allow issuing construction licenses for further building. The part of the house that is designated for demolition is the second floor, where the family's son, Mussa, and his family are currently living. Mussa and his family are defined by the "Minhal" as "intruders" or "trespassers". The demolition warrant issued for the second floor will undoubtedly harm the entire house, occupied by four families.
The Legal proceedings against the building of the second floor has been ongoing for 7 years, and ended recently with an evacuation and demolition warrant, dated yesterday (May 24 th). The family's efforts, made until the very last minute, to prevent or postpone the execution of the warrant, all failed.
As reported recently in the newspapers, Plato Sharon is currently in advanced contact status to acquire wide scale land in the area, in order to build apartment buildings there. The extended Thakka family, as well as another family living in the area, had signed a letter of agreement with Plato Sharon's lawyers, the Minhal, Halamish Company, and Tel Aviv municipality. The agreement stated that the area will be evacuated of its tenants with their consent, on the basis of a compensation settlement made between the sides. Therefore, the family is asking to consider the coming evacuation, set to start within a year and a half, and to freeze the warrants that were issued for the house demolition. That claim was presented to a judge in county court, as well as the Supreme Court, and was declined by both. The Popular Committee of Jaffa had received the agreement's draft yesterday, and will study its various ramifications thoroughly as soon as possible. There is no doubt that this agreement could have far reaching implications on the character and future of the whole area, as well as the popular struggle in Jaffa.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
17th May 1977 and Netanyahu's Mistakes Today
Just like last year, Netanyahu Automaticly Supports Going to War and He continues to lie to us and himself:
In May 1977 they did not say "Only Not Begin" as Netanyahu incorrectly said twice Today on Galey Zahal and Reshet Bet. They Did say "Rak Lo Maarach" "Only Not Maarach" Labour and voted DASH
and as a result got Begin. Begin led the largest Party but Did not win the Elections!
More important:
Begin as Leader of Opposition did not tell Golda Why are you not speaking to Saadat in 1972.
Thus avoiding 1973 War.
Bibi in 2006 and Now Supports Violence and War.
Does not criticize Government for not having a Policy, And not Setting Long Range Aims.
In May 1977 they did not say "Only Not Begin" as Netanyahu incorrectly said twice Today on Galey Zahal and Reshet Bet. They Did say "Rak Lo Maarach" "Only Not Maarach" Labour and voted DASH
and as a result got Begin. Begin led the largest Party but Did not win the Elections!
More important:
Begin as Leader of Opposition did not tell Golda Why are you not speaking to Saadat in 1972.
Thus avoiding 1973 War.
Bibi in 2006 and Now Supports Violence and War.
Does not criticize Government for not having a Policy, And not Setting Long Range Aims.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
My NAKBA What we have to Fight Against, Disgusting!

15th May is Nakba day for the Palestinians. This is Disgusting News. I lived near Yonah Hanavi st. near Carmel Market. I was near there yesterday. I hope I do not know this French Jew.
Jerusalem mayor seeks terror victim status for murdered Arab
By Roni Singer-Heruti, Jonathan Lis and Avi Issacharoff, Haaretz Correspondents
Last Update from Haaretz 14:42 15th May 2007
Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupolianski urged the state on Tuesday to grant the family of East Jerusalem taxi driver Taysir Karaki, who was murdered Monday, the benefits reserved for families of terror victims. Lupolianski instructed the city's social welfare department to aid the family.
On Monday, 26-year-old Tel Aviv resident Julian Soufir, who is suspected of having committed the murder, told police "I decided to murder an Arab."
The police was preparing for a possible retaliation Monday, fearing a reciprocal murder in a mixed Arab-Jewish town, or a Jewish city situated in close proximity to an Arab population.
Police said their initial investigation revealed that the suspect, an immigrant from France whose family lives in Netanya, went to Jerusalem on Monday morning to find a taxi driver to murder.
They discovered the murder of Taysir Karaki, 35, from Beit Haninah north of the capital, almost by chance after they stopped two young men walking down the middle of a Tel Aviv street at around 4:00 P.M., near Yonah Hanavi Street.
The police approached them with a routine request for identification. One of the men told the police that he had "done something in the apartment," and asked the police to accompany him to the nearby dwelling, where they found the victim lying dead inside. "I turned around and immediately handcuffed him," said Avrahali Vanda, one of the arresting officers.
Police said the victim's throat had been slit a few hours before the body was found. His taxi was parked outside.
The Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court extended Soufir's remand by 10 days Tuesday, and the remand of his 21-year-old brother, whom they believe reached the apartment shortly after the murder and remained with the killer until the two were apprehended, by two days. However, the police do not believe the brother took part in the crime.
At the remand hearing, Soufir's attorney argued that the suspect is not fit to stand trial. "As far as we understand, he can't differentiate between good and bad, makes things up and speaks to ghosts and goblins that dictate his life," Soufir's attorney said. Apparently, the police were called to Soufir's Tel Aviv apartment about a month ago after his wife complained that he had attacked her. The suspect's mental stability was questioned during that incident as well and he was sent to Abarbanel mental hospital for an evaluation, but he was released shortly after.
In contrast, the police claim that it seemed to them that the suspect "knew exactly what he was talking about when he described the event, and his memory was good. He also supplied a logical explanation for his actions."
Soufir is scheduled to unergo a psychiatric evaluation prior to standing trial.
Police say the suspect, who is newly religious, seems to have had no prior acquaintance with the victim. "Therefore, at the crime scene itself we began to suspect that this might be a case of murder stemming from nationalistic motives," said Chief Superintendent Avi Neuman, a Yarkon region detective.
The suspect said he went to Jerusalem because he thought he would be able to find an Arab victim more easily there. "We don't know whether he planned it two hours before or two weeks before, but there are certainly signs he planned it," Brigadier General Hagai Dotan, the commander of the Yarkon region police, told Haaretz.
The suspect entered the victim's taxi in Jerusalem and asked to be driven to Tel Aviv. They apparently made one stop along the way at the suspect's request. "When they arrived, the suspect persuaded the victim to come up to the apartment," apparently with an offer to use the bathroom before going home, Neuman said. The suspect then allegedly attacked the victim with a knife he had prepared ahead of time.
The suspect rented the apartment with his wife two months ago, but they are apparently now separated. Neighbors said they did not know the couple, except that they were French. One neighbor said she saw the suspect arrive for prayers daily at the neighborhood synagogue.
Karaki's father, Yasser Karaki, told Haaretz his son, who was married and the father of four children ages six to 12, had driven the children to school and set off for work at 8:30 A.M. "He was a good guy, he was not involved in politics; all he wanted to do was make a living for his children," the elder Karaki said.
The few dozen friends and relatives who gathered on Monday at the Karaki house seemed shocked at the idea Karaki was murdered for nationalistic reasons. A neighbor, Wahib Liftawi, said the police called his nearby grocery store.
"They told us Taysir had had an accident and we should go to the police station in Neve Yaakov," Liftawi said. "Khaled, Taysir's brother, went there and then to Tel Aviv to identify the body. We heard on the news that French people took him to Tel Aviv. They asked him to help them to the apartment with their luggage and then they stabbed him. Allah will not forgive them; he was a good boy."
Monday, May 07, 2007
Edith Piaf- Non, je ne regrette rien
I saw the Movie Alone Today. La Mome -La Vie En Rose very painfull Movie.
La Vie En Rose is the US title for La Môme (French for "The Kid") a 2007 French language movie directed by Olivier Dahan about singer Édith Piaf, starring Marion Cotillard as Piaf.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Édith_Piaf wikipedia
Edith Piaf
Paroles: Michel Vaucaire, musique: Charles Dumont, enr. 10 novembre 1960
Non, rien de rien
Non, je ne regrette rien
Ni le bien qu'on m'a fait, ni le mal
Tout ça m'est bien égal
Non, rien de rien
Non, je ne regrette rien
C'est payé, balayé, oublié
Je me fous du passé
Avec mes souvenirs
J'ai allumé le feu
Mes chagrins, mes plaisirs
Je n'ai plus besoin d'eux
Balayés mes amours
Avec leurs trémolos
Balayés pour toujours
Je repars à zéro
Non, rien de rien
Non, je ne regrette rien
Ni le bien qu'on m'a fait, ni le mal
Tout ça m'est bien égal
Non, rien de rien
Non, je ne regrette rien
Car ma vie
Car mes joies
Ça commence avec toi...
Edith Piaf
No! No regrets
No! I will have no regrets
All the things
That went wrong
For at last I have learned to be strong
No! No regrets
No! I will have no regrets
For the grief doesn't last
It is gone
I've forgotten the past
And the memories I had
I no longer desire
Both the good and the bad
I have flung in a fire
And I feel in my heart
That the seed has been sown
It is something quite new
It's like nothing I've known
No! No regrets
No! I will have no regrets
All the things that went wrong
For at last I have learned to be strong
No! No regrets
No! I will have no regrets
For the seed that is new
It's the love that is growing for you
La Vie En Rose is the US title for La Môme (French for "The Kid") a 2007 French language movie directed by Olivier Dahan about singer Édith Piaf, starring Marion Cotillard as Piaf.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Édith_Piaf wikipedia
Edith Piaf
Paroles: Michel Vaucaire, musique: Charles Dumont, enr. 10 novembre 1960
Non, rien de rien
Non, je ne regrette rien
Ni le bien qu'on m'a fait, ni le mal
Tout ça m'est bien égal
Non, rien de rien
Non, je ne regrette rien
C'est payé, balayé, oublié
Je me fous du passé
Avec mes souvenirs
J'ai allumé le feu
Mes chagrins, mes plaisirs
Je n'ai plus besoin d'eux
Balayés mes amours
Avec leurs trémolos
Balayés pour toujours
Je repars à zéro
Non, rien de rien
Non, je ne regrette rien
Ni le bien qu'on m'a fait, ni le mal
Tout ça m'est bien égal
Non, rien de rien
Non, je ne regrette rien
Car ma vie
Car mes joies
Ça commence avec toi...
Edith Piaf
No! No regrets
No! I will have no regrets
All the things
That went wrong
For at last I have learned to be strong
No! No regrets
No! I will have no regrets
For the grief doesn't last
It is gone
I've forgotten the past
And the memories I had
I no longer desire
Both the good and the bad
I have flung in a fire
And I feel in my heart
That the seed has been sown
It is something quite new
It's like nothing I've known
No! No regrets
No! I will have no regrets
All the things that went wrong
For at last I have learned to be strong
No! No regrets
No! I will have no regrets
For the seed that is new
It's the love that is growing for you
Friday, May 04, 2007
The Demo I did not go to: Politics without Politics. The Haj.

I did not go to the Demo Last Night as it was "Politics without Politics"
I Bought The Haj by Leon Uris First Edition 1984 Hard Cover.
an Amazon Reviewer: Maximillian Ben Hanan
"The Haj" by Leon Uris is an important book (in print or audio form) for understanding the negative aspects of Arab culture and little known aspects of the Arab-Israeli conflict that the great majority of the media won't share with us. Specifically, "The Haj" is historical fiction about a Palestinian-Arab family before and after the 1948 War for Israeli independence (From about 1922 to sometime around the 1960's or 1970's).
Leon Uris wrote this about the book (in the beginning of "The Haj"):
"Many of the events in The Haj are a matter of history and public record. Many of the scenes were created around historical incidents and used as a backdrop for the purpose of fiction. There may be persons alive who took part in events similar to those described in the book. It is possible therefore, that some may be mistaken for characters in the novel. Let me emphasize that all of the characters in the Haj are the complete creation of the author, and entirely fictional. The exceptions, of course, are the recognizable public figures who were associated historically with this period, such as David Ben-Gurion, the Mufti of Jerusalem, Abdullah, Yigal Allon, and others."
There is no question that this book is fiction regarding the details its' story tells, but the story itself is a real one. Arab refugees did stream out of Israel during the 1948 war and Arab leaders telling them to do so (there are taped broadcasts of these calls) was definitely one of the major causes of the plight of the Palestinian-Arab refugees. There was also very definitely a very active terrorist movement among the Arabs in the Middle East, which survives to the present day (witness groups like Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hizbollah, the PLO / Palestinian authority, and others). The Palestinian-Arabs continue to suffer under poor leadership that represses their rights (witness many human rights organizations' reports of extrajudicial killings by the Palestinian Authority, the same autocratic leader, Yassir Arafat, who refuses to transfer the reins of power, and other facts). It is also a well-documented fact that the Mufti of Jerusalem was an ally and guest of Hitler during WWII. These things are facts and are indisputable. "The Haj" tells a story using the device of historical fiction to relay the often-ugly facts of life for the regular "fellah" (sometimes translated as peasant) in the land the British called Palestine and is now known again as Israel.
The book is well written (good grammar, punctuation, style, etc.) and the story flows. I enjoyed reading about the characters of the story, but often wanted to cry for them. Some of the most poignant moments of "The Haj" occur during the flight of the Haj's (the main character is Haj Ibrahim and the book is the story of him and his family) family during the 1948 war and in refugee camps in Jordan. It was very sad to see how members of the same culture (the Arab culture) and most of the time the same religion (Islam) can be so cruel to each other. This is still an endemic problem in the Arab world (witness how the Arab governments squabble among each other and often fight and kill one another). Some of the depictions of the relations between the largely city-dwelling Palestinian-Arabs and the nomadic Bedouin are among the saddest. There is still a strong hatred between these groups to the present day.
Why read "The Haj?"
Read "The Haj" because this is real information presented in a novel format that you can no longer get from most university classes about the Middle East. Read it to learn what AP and Reuters news services constantly gloss over in their writings used by newspapers around the world. Most of all, read "The Haj" to understand that one of the fundamental truths about problems in the Middle East is that the problems have less to do with Israel and Jews than cultural, political, and even religious problems and divisions in the Arab world. Israel is really a side issue at best (and excuse used by the Arab governments to cover their faults). Autocratic tyrannies (or gangster governments like Yassir Arafat's Palestinian Authority) are the true source of unhappiness in the Arab world. It's easy to understand that truth after reading "The Haj."
You can get this same information from a pile full of academic texts (and I do recommend reading more research about the Middle East after reading "The Haj"), but this is the easiest and quickest way to introduce yourself to the bitter realities of politics in the Middle East.
I highly recommend "The Haj."
Review by: Maximillian Ben Hanan
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